I had my students write an "I Am" poem today, so I wrote one too:
I am ready to live and love.
I wonder what life would be like without you.
I hear your bird-like truth, fluttering outside my window.
I see your light and feel its warmth.
I want to walk in you—to never feel lost again.
I am ready to live and love.
I pretend that I can sometimes do it on my own.
I feel nine and eight and seven—maybe five too.
I touch the sky—hoping to not get burned by the sun.
I worry that one day the little bird won’t fly.
I cried when I was in the dark.
I am ready to live and love.
I understand it won’t be easy.
I say it, but sometimes can’t fully believe.
I dream my dreams will come true.
I try to stay grounded—
I hope that I don’t.
I am ready to live and love.
<3 brought tears to my eyes :)